In order to share with visitors our achievements and present the positive impacts of ecological and collective practices in communities, we are offering various eco-tourism activities.
- In the guided tours, you can learn about the different aspects of sustainability as presented by the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) ; and their applications in our ecovillage.
- Our internship program allows visitors to experience organic farming in ecovillage. We are also receiving students who wish to gain credits and/or complete a training in agriculture and/or agronomy.
- The EDE course is a training to better understand the tools required for successful sustainable, collective and ecological projects. This training takes the form of a month-long immersion learning program in our ecovillage.
- We also offer an open house day during the summer: La Journée Porter l’Avenir
- Each fall, we are participating to a gourmet tour in our region: La Balade Gourmande